This experience has not been much different than my first procedure, but I wanted to update those of you who have been so faithfully and graciously praying for me and sending encouraging words.
The trip to the hospital, although very early, went fine and we got checked in and everything just as last time. And then, my tiny veins strike again! The dreaded IV... At least this time I had a very kind and patient nurse, but it hurt much much worse as she dug around in my wrist trying to get my vein. It didn't work. She switched arms and got it in just below my left wrist, thankfully because my right wrist continued to hurt up until I went into the OR. A massage therapist came in a gave me a back massage while we were waiting, that was pretty nice. When leaving the waiting area the anesthesiologist gave me something to relax me and I don't think I even made it awake to the operating room. At least if I did I don't remember it.
Everything went fine and we headed home feeling pretty good. About 45 minutes from home I started having some increasing pain. The nurse had said just clear liquids at least until I got home, and to take the vicodin with food. So I was hesitant to take it, but was glad I had it with me and ended up taking it when we got closer to home. Friday and Saturday were spent mostly in bed, napping and resting. Actually on Saturday I was fine and went to the store to get stuff to make a cake. It failed by the way, I always forget about high altitude baking adjustments when baking from scratch so it fell very flat and dry, but that's another story.
About the medications... I mentioned in another post about the medication I had last time that I wasn't sure about. I asked my doctor and she prescribed that last time because I was bleeding more, so I didn't need that this time. I still had the pain killers from last time so I didn't have any new prescriptions.
So I'm feeling pretty well considering. Physically I've had very little pain (just took the meds on Friday and was fine by Friday night without) just some discomfort and light bleeding. My doctor said to take it easy until my check-up with her in two weeks. I'm kinda surprised to say I really don't like that I can't work out. I've gotten used to doing Zumba with some ladies at work after school, and going to Curves several times a week. The extra time is kinda nice (I got alot of cleaning done last night after school) but I miss the physical activity and interactions.
Emotionally I still have my moments but feel much more equipped and stronger to deal with all the emotions and pain that I know will continue for awhile. I'm not trying to "get over" this, I recognize it is a very real and significant loss that needs to be addressed, grieved, processed, remembered.
During my D&C the nurses tried 10 times to put the iv in. They finally stuck in my thumb which was HORRIBLE. Apparently I have baby veins and they couldn't use the smallest IV because it didn't let enough medicine in. I know that pain with the IV!