My hope is to help bring encouragement,
healing, and support to others going through miscarriage.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sad tonight

This whole experience has been much different than the last, just as I suspect every pregnancy experience is different.  I've had an entire week since finding out about miscarrying and thought it would be a very long, hard week waiting for the d/c procedure.  It has gone by surprisingly fast and easily, which I'm contributing to all the prayers I have been blessed with from many of you.  I think also being able to talk about it and having the support from here/facebook has lessened the stress of it all.  I'm trying to keep more of an optimistic attitude.

School has kept me busy and distracted during the day and various media at night.  Tonight, though, is a sad night.  Tomorrow morning my second baby will be officially gone.  Needless to say, my heart is heavy.  I haven't done alot of crying but this evening I keep tearing up - whether it be from a home pregnancy test commercial or Pam's morning sickness on a re-run of The Office.  Many people have called me brave for posting here, and please don't take my openness as having it all together and dealing perfectly with anything.  I haven't shared alot about the personal, emotional side yet.  That may have to come later.  

I'm not really nervous about the surgery.  I would appreciate your prayers though for safe travels (we leave at 4am to get to the hospital), a smooth operation, and quick healing - physically and emotionally.  Thank you all!

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